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Bobby Ologun investigated by Japanese police

By Zach Arnold | January 25, 2006

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Photo: Bobby Ologun leaves the Harajuku police station in Tokyo after being questioned by authorities (image credit: Iwate Nippo Co. Ltd. Newspaper)

By Zach Arnold

Bobby Ologun, the famous Nigerian TV personality in Japan who K-1 has booked for past fights, is being investigated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Nikkan Sports reports that Ologun acted in a violent manner at an entertainment office in Shibuya, Tokyo on Wednesday and that several people were hurt. John Muwete Muruaka, a famous African martial artist who has ties to Japanese politician Muneo Suzuki, tried to control Ologun. A police investigation is underway.

Update: Daily Sports reports that the incident took place at the offices of R and A Promotions in Shibuya, Tokyo. Ologun attacked the company’s 55-year old president and had a 15-minute outburst where he was accused of throwing desks and chairs around. Harajuku police are investigating Ologun on potential assault charges.

Update II: Nikkan Sports updated their report. The report now says (from a witness) that Ologun’s manager had money troubles and that Ologun requested a meeting with the R & A President. The President refused whatever Bobby’s request was and that it caused a sudden outburst. Muruaka may or may not be on Ologun’s side in this case.

Asahi Shimbun reports that Ologun’s first defense claim is that he got provoked and hit by Muruaka, which led to the attack.

More details to be added later.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, K-1, MMA, Zach Arnold | 7 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

7 Responses to “Bobby Ologun investigated by Japanese police”

  1. Carlos O. says:

    Hope Bobby makes it out without any problems, because he makes freak show fghts worth watching.

  2. Wes Black says:

    I love how he managed to keep up his bug-eyed shtick even when leaving the police station.

  3. […] We close this week’s show out by discussing the latest on the Bobby Ologun situation, Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Jab Zudah booked for April 8th, Bas Rutten’s return to PRIDE as an announcer, and a preview of next week’s radio show. […]

  4. […] If you remember our report from a couple of days ago on the Fight Opinion site, you know what we are referring to. If not, click on this link to refresh your memory. After a few days of more Japanese media reports, some of the facts regarding the incident are being noted. I will try my best to source all of the Japanese report links and to translate as accurately as possible. […]

  5. ?Bobby is a buffoon and all black people should be embarrassed by his silly ass. Do you think Black people could get an Japanese person to behave in such a manner as he does? Death to all the Amos and Andy, Stepin Fetchit, Man Tan Niggas!!!

  6. […] Nikkan Sports reports that Bobby Ologun will be under house confinement until March. This is the apparent punishment for the recent incident that took place where Bobby was accused to beating up R & A Promotions President Kazuyuki Ito. […]

  7. R.H. says:

    Black Man Wayne is a man after my own heart. That Stepin Fetchit routine he does would get him HUNG in America.


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