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Politicians versus the people

By Zach Arnold | March 25, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

There was a level of negative feedback for the proposed MMA event in Halifax, Nova Scotia on 4/29. Then, Boxing Canada stepped in and announced their opposition to the event (mainly because it would hurt a local boxing card scheduled in May in Halifax). And now, according to The Chronicle Herald in Halifax, city councilman Bob Harvey is proposing a ban on MMA in Halifax on Tuesday.

Mr. Harvey said he wonders if “this type of activity doesn’t promote acting out in similar or to … give tacit approval or the condoning of violence out there on our streets.”

“A year ago, we had 14 swarmings in the month of March by young people. It seems to me they might draw a connection between this type of amusement and entertainment and what you do out on the street.”

It’s time for a blogswarm. You can politely e-mail Mr. Bob Harvey about your objections to his criticism, or give his office a call by using information from his contact page. Please spread the word!

Update: Chris Cochrane in The Chronicle Herald says that the talk of a ban on MMA is only helping sell more tickets for the 4/29 show.

Topics: All Topics, MMA, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Politicians versus the people”

  1. […] Zach Arnold of Fight Opinion is organizing a protest campaign, urging fans of the sport to contact Mr. Harvey and politely object to the proposal. Click here for e-mail and phone contact info. […]


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