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Shelby Walker found dead

By Zach Arnold | September 24, 2006

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Female boxer & MMA fighter Shelby Walker (information on her can be found here, here, here, and here) was found dead due to a suspected overdose of pain medication.

Topics: All Topics, Boxing, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Shelby Walker found dead”

  1. mike says:

    that is terrible news. hope her family can cope with the loss.

  2. Stephan says:

    RIP Shelby.

    Wasnt she also Denis Kang’s girlfriend? Hopefully he wont be too affected for Bushido. He really impressed many people at Bushido so far.

  3. Preach says:

    Yeah, Denis and Shelby were engaged. My deepest condolences go out to him and Shelby’s family…

  4. rabies says:

    This is very sad news and we all send our condolences (which no one ever likes doing).

    But this also begs the question, how widespread is painkiller abuse in the MMA industry?

    How about steriod use? We only know of 6 (?) fighters being tested positive in the UFC, but how about the other big 2 (K-1, PRIDE) and the smaller “AAA” league promotions?


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