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Michigan looks to ban all MMA
By Zach Arnold | February 9, 2007

The headline says it all. The worst fears of those who did not want to see Toughman linked to MMA may be coming true. While ‘ultimate fighting’ is already prohibited in Michigan, this new action seeks to eliminate amateur MMA fights and any boxing promoters who are using modified boxing fights to slip MMA bouts under the state Government’s radar.
In addition to Michigan, other states have considered bans or stricter regulation on MMA (including Louisiana, and rumoredly Utah). Also, Kentucky recently made headlines when a local businessman (who is a big boxing supporter and not an MMA fan) tried to get MMA shut down in the state.
The Associated Press: The state of Michigan is looking to ban MMA (and guess whose name indirectly shows up – Art Dore, the infamous Toughman promoter)
Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
Now we will see if Marc Ratner is worth his paycheck. With the few states trying to ban it, this is basically his job to try and get it stopped.
However, I will say that some of these states banning MMA makes me say “Who Cares’. I know it sounds stupid, but only a certain number of states really matter right now. As long as NY legalized MMA at some point, I will be happy.
Well, considering that Detroit was just mentioned as a destination for UFC in the future…
Could this be like a WWE situation, where small time MMA promoters get shut out, but UFC comes along, pays the state hundreds of thousands of dollars, and mysteriously, UFC gets a show in Detroit?
Want to know what’s really funny about this?
The upcoming Cage Combat events in Marquette and Saginaw…guess who running them?
ADoreable Fucking Productions.
Sorry, so full of piss and vinegar right now….
As long as Dore holds Toughman in Michigan, you’re not going to see MMA. I doubt Ratner will be able to do anything about it either. Ratner starts talking with the commissions, Dore will start flexing and then we’ll have to screw around with the legitamacy of MMA again because Dore wants to bribe his way in.
[…] Michigan Seeks To Ban Amateur MMA […]
[…]Fight Opinion has recently reported that[…]
[…] First, Aaron Crossen of The Valley Vanguard newspaper in Saginaw, Michigan joins us to talk about the debacle in Michigan regarding Toughman promoter Art Dore and the Michigan DLEG (Department of Labor & Economic Growth). It’s a battle that could kill amateur MMA for good in the state. Read Aaron’s article on the story here. More background on the situation can be found here and here. In regards to the people that Aaron suggested Fight Opinion readers contact and write to, the two names mentioned are Robert Swanson (former director of the DLEG) and Keith Cooley (who has just taken over as director). Please write these gentleman with nice, polite, and articulate letters stating that you don’t want to see Toughman-style illegal MMA events sanctioned and that Mixed Martial Arts is a viable business that the state of Michigan should regulate and sanction. Especially if you live in Michigan, you can make a big difference regarding the direction of MMA in Michigan by writing the DLEG and creating a positive movement for MMA in the state. […]
I think that MMA should be allowed in Michigan, as crappy as our economy is right now why not allow something that has alot of fans and can pull in money if the fight is sanctioned. As someone who has fought most of his life and fought in five MMA matches and two Caged Kombat matches I speek for alot of guys in Michigan. If someone physically meets the test to fight then it should be their choice not some Law Man’s choice! I loved every minute I was in the ring and so do the fans, MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world. So we should help it grow not kill it off! If a guy wants to step in the ring with another man and beat the hell out each other then let them, I know I love watching UFC, Pride, King of the Cage all those programs and if there were more publicly spoken fights alot more people would come and watch. For some great reason to watch two grown men duke it out till knock out or TKO is one of the best things in the world. In my eye’s only certain people have the mentality to fight, so why not let everyone find that out for them selves! Well thanks and I really hope MMA does not get banned, I planned to fight in a few more before I quit!!