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Fight Opinion Radio #59: Andy Wang

By Zach Arnold | August 18, 2007

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Long before Andy Wang appeared on UFC’s reality TV show The Ultimate Fighter, he was fighting on the independent scene in California and was a previous guest on our radio show. On this week’s edition of Fight Opinion Radio, we catch up with Andy and talk to him about how his life has changed since his appearance on UFC TV. Was his appearance on The Ultimate Fighter a positive or negative for his career? How did his family react to him appearing on the show? This is a very fun and entertaining interview to listen to. Check out Andy Wang on the web at and at Taiwan BJJ.

In addition to our interview with Andy, we also have lots of red meat radio material for you to digest including analysis of the latest financial reports from both Pro Elite and the IFL. What are the futures for both of these organizations?

Plus, the highest quarter-hour-rated segment in all of MMA radio, the world-famous grab bag. As a bonus, both Jeff Thaler and Erin Bucknell give road reports on local shows they attended this past weekend. Jeff also reminisces about appearing at an MMA event in which bikers crashed the event and there was a riot. We smell ratings.

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Topics: Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, IFL, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, Pro Elite, UFC, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio #59: Andy Wang”

  1. […] in 2002. I should have known Jeff Thaler was involved, and now he comes out and reveals his role in the latest edition of FightOpinion radio. Plus TUF5 pariah Andy Wang describes the brutal sensory deprivation you go through when […]