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Video: Drew Fickett gets beat by Richard Villa

By Zach Arnold | August 4, 2008

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Somewhere, Mark Pavelich is having the last laugh on Mr. Fickett.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “Video: Drew Fickett gets beat by Richard Villa”

  1. Crap stoppage. He was still trying to get in butterfly guards. Refs need higher training credentials.

  2. garth says:

    my captcha for this was “worked”.

    that’s what happened to fickett in that fight…do you honestly see him as being out when the ref stopped it? He was actively reacting and defending himself. What a crap result.

  3. garth says:

    i guess pavelich can be getting a laugh about…bad refereeing?

  4. Marc says:

    Wasn’t that an illegal knee before the shitty stoppage? Wow.

  5. Anon says:

    Somebody knock out that squawking bitch in the background……no…..shoot her. Jesus….

  6. Dave says:

    Yikes that was a very, very bad stoppage.

  7. GassedOut says:

    Ouch…another undeserved L for the record…

  8. Chuck says:

    That was a pretty shitty stoppage. never mind the fact that Fickett was still squirming to get out and defending himself, those punches from Villa were doing ZERO damage to Fickett. It’s great that the ref was looking out for the safety of the fighters but COME ON!!!!

  9. Mr.D says:

    Villa would work your shit too. the fight should have been stopped the first time villa knocked him out then back in. anyone can get up after u stop punching them.

  10. David Casey says:

    The ref made a big mistake.

    You have to give an experienced submission fighter like Fickett the benefit of the doubt when he is shuffling around on the ground looking for position.

    Fickett was rocked, but he was not knocked out – so a KO or TKO is not justified here.


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