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Max Kellerman gone from ESPN 1050 — is he headed to WFAN?

By Zach Arnold | March 10, 2009

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Max Kellerman, who sometimes worked with Brian Kenny on ESPN 1050 Radio in New York, is gone from the station. Sadly, the rumors were true that ESPN Radio was going to cut some of Kellerman’s radio show in favor of airing Colin Cowherd.

The hot talk in New York media circles is that he is heading to WFAN to possibly team up with Mike Francesa. Channeling the spirit of Imus (don’t ask me to ever do that again)… Fatso and Fruit Loops v2.0?

Addendum: I wrote this post because Kellerman works with HBO on their boxing coverage and not only talks about boxing but also MMA on his show. If he gets a slot next to Francesa on WFAN, there will be coverage of the fight game on New York’s powerhouse sports radio station.

Topics: Media, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Max Kellerman gone from ESPN 1050 — is he headed to WFAN?”

  1. samscaff says:

    Can I be the first to point out that Zach never fails to cover the most RANDOM pieces of news. He never fails.

  2. David says:

    Zach is awesome. Fairly relevant news, in which if you are a fan of the sport, you should be happy to hear.

  3. Ivan Trembow says:

    Kellerman is a proponent of MMA who even publicly disagreed with his “superior,” Jim Lampley, on the air when Lampley ripped on MMA during the PPV broadcast of Mayweather vs. De la Hoya.

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    When Kellerman first popped onto the scene, I was very impressed. Since then, he really hasn’t been that good. I think he kind of fails as a HBO commentator.

  5. Fluyid says:

    If Kellerman’s voice becomes more influential in NYC, could he impact public opinion on MMA such that it has an effect on whether it becomes legal in that state?

  6. Dave says:

    Fluyid gets the points.

    As for Zach and random news, that is why we come here, isn’t it? If I wanted every piece of copy and paste news that hits the net I’d go to one of the million other sites with the million commentators who all make me want to put a drill to my head.

  7. A. Taveras says:

    Kellerman is a work in progress, but much better than man-lover Lampley. Kellerman brings fresh enthusiasm, while Lampley consistently rides the HBO fighter’s nuts. Merchant has an acceptable excuse for not liking MMA; he is old and drunk. Lampley is just a jealous loser.

  8. Chris says:

    Nice post Zach,

    A pairing of Kellerman and Francesa would be interesting. Because while Kellerman is a fan of Boxing and MMA, Francesca has displayed disdain for both sports, especially mixed martial arts.

    If this pairing was to take place, would it be a full partnership. Or would the tone of the show be dictated by the sports that Francesca feels comfortable talking about? Would he even give Kellerman a chance to educate him about both combat sports?

    One of the discussions I’ve had with other WFAN listeners is just how much his show is lacking without a partner to balance out his views. Everyone is pretty much in agreement that Mike Francesca works much better with a partner. Max would definitely bring younger and fresher tone to the show.

  9. Jay says:

    It would NEVER WORK!!!
    Max is a ONE MAN SHOW!!! Hilarious!!! Young smart and a DIE HARD KNICKS FAN!!!

    Mike is OLD SCHOOL and rides a KNICKS bandwagon, and after a week of MAX either MAX would get hi own morning show or Mike would retire before working with Max again.

    Max balances his show very nicely and brought balance to the radio station. Michael Kay is ALL YANKEES. If the Knicks won the Championship Kay would lead the show off talking about Derek Jeter and spring trainning.

    This will be interesting

  10. Chris says:

    Max was a breath of fresh air on NY radio. He was knowledgable and fun to listen to. A little off the wall sometimes, but that’s what made it fun. I live in NC now, but listened to him every day. He will be missed. I hate Francessa. He is arrogant and obnoxious. I would rather Max get a gig in another time slot.

  11. Chris says:


    I agree with Chris about Mike being obnoxious. But only one of us actually hates him.


  12. COFIELD says:

    Jay, you are so right! Francesa would never be able to co-exist with Max. You talk about two giant egos. Zack, I disagree on Max being a loss on radio. He would just be another host in NY doing 1995 sportstalk radio. Try something new!


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