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New York state capital paper on MMA legalization

By Zach Arnold | April 13, 2009

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The Albany Times-Union has a letter-to-the-editor in today’s newspaper in support of legalizing MMA in the state of New York. Check it out when you have time to do so.

This week is will be the heat-up for UFC 97 in Montreal. It seems like eons ago when the Quebec commission almost didn’t allow the event to happen under the Unified rules. Anyhow, here is an interview with Chuck Liddell talking about his upcoming fight against Mauricio Shogun. During the interview, Liddell was asked about the growth of MMA in North America:

“I always thought the sport was great, from the time I was first involved. But I thought it was going to take a lot longer to get really big. There were certain things we needed, like getting on free TV. We knew that for a long time, and the reality show craze helped us do it with The Ultimate Fighter.”

Here is a Chuck video blog on UFC’s YouTube channel (already 22,000 hits in 18 hours):

Here is the line-up for this weekend’s UFC event.

Topics: Canada, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “New York state capital paper on MMA legalization”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    I’ve never been a huge Chuck Liddell fan, but I just hope he doesn’t look as bad as Frank Shamrock did on Saturday.

  2. robthom says:

    “already 22,000 hits in 18 hours”

    Wow. I guess MMA isn’t our awesome little secret anymore.



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