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UFC fighter Jeremy Stephens has a homophobic message for Floyd Mayweather; Update: TUF contestant Jamie Yager says someone used fake Twitter account to make homophobic slurs to Tito Ortiz

By Zach Arnold | June 3, 2010

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From his Twitter account:

MMA Torch reports that Stephens would later go on to allegedly use the n-word in asking Dana White to set up a fight with him and Mayweather.

Related: Rampage Jackson deserves scorn for homophobic comments and Rampage acting out

For the sake of keeping my sanity, I’ve turned comments off for this post (for now) because I don’t have time to moderate a flame war.

Other fighter foot-in-mouth disease moments: Marcus Davis wishes Dan Hardy would die of AIDS and Frank Mir tells Mark Madden that he hopes Brock Lesnar dies from ‘Octagon-related injuries’

Just keep all of this in mind because it’s hard for UFC to implement a Twitter policy for their fighters given how much trash talk online between Rashad Evans and Rampage Jackson was encouraged and how they used both racist and homophobic remarks to build up heat for that fight.

TUF contestant Jamie Yager says that someone is going around using a fake Twitter account to troll Tito Ortiz online.

This is what the fake Jamie Yager account said to Tito Ortiz online:

I included the original screen shot from the fake account and posted a screen shot from the correct Twitter account to correct and clarify the public record.

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “UFC fighter Jeremy Stephens has a homophobic message for Floyd Mayweather; Update: TUF contestant Jamie Yager says someone used fake Twitter account to make homophobic slurs to Tito Ortiz”

  1. Ivan Trembow says:

    As Tony Kornheiser would say, this is a “gots to go situation” for Stephens.

  2. Jemaleddin says:

    It’s odd that he thinks Floyd is gay, but then says that he wants to have sex with him. Maybe we’re reading this wrong? Maybe his second sentence is more like “What a country!”?

  3. Derreck says:

    You don’t think 95% of fighters use the word f*****? What about the general population? I can’t go 5 seconds on the street with out hearing it. Its life, get over it. How can some one have such thin skin?

    • The Gaijin says:

      That’s the problem…it just shouldn’t be chalked up to “that’s life” or some type of begrudgingly acceptable thing to say.

  4. […] the inappropriate from Chuck Liddell, Marcus Davis, and (of course) Dana White himself. This week, Jeremy Stephens and Jamie Yager got in on the action. Stephens was the most egregious, using slurs for both […]