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Satoshi Ishii vs. Minowaman booked for Saturday’s Nagoya DREAM 16 event

By Zach Arnold | September 22, 2010

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A completely bizarre and fitting way for this promotion’s card to be topped off on Saturday, as DREAM announced 100 kg Beijing Olympic judo champion Satoshi Ishii vs. Minowaman in an open-weight fight. Ishii had been tied to Sengoku, so curious to see what kind of deal was reached there with the parties involved.

The fight reeks of “we need a big walk-up” and “save our TV deal” desperation mode. This is the kind of fight that you would think could draw well when promoted long-term, but who knows? Ishii’s been off doing… whatever the hell he’s been doing… and you could not find a situation of a more highly-touted draw having horrible career management.

So, we’ll see if the fans are buying or selling this booking. Trying to pop a TV rating. We’ll see.

I guess it’s better than Minowaman vs. James Thompson.

Topics: DREAM, Japan, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Satoshi Ishii vs. Minowaman booked for Saturday’s Nagoya DREAM 16 event”

  1. Chuck says:

    Who here smells another heel hook victory for Minowaman? I DO!!!!!

  2. edub says:

    Ishii by dec.

  3. smoogy says:

    This fight will do at least a 20% rating, so of course they’re gonna book it.

  4. […] Opinion suggests that it’s simply a money grab by DREAM, which is having difficulty with its Japanese television deal. "Minowaman" is a […]

  5. […] Opinion suggests that it’s simply a money grab by DREAM, which is having difficulty with its Japanese television deal. "Minowaman" is a […]

  6. Rohan says:

    Thompson just weighed in at 290lbs. I’m not surprised – I saw him outside a supermarket in Clapham (London) last week and I’ve never seen someone so jacked up in my entire life. I almost didn’t recognise him and he was massive before.


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