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Where are they now: Former PRIDE boss Nobuyuki Sakakibara

By Zach Arnold | February 8, 2011

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Last week, I alluded to the fact that former PRIDE head honcho Nobuyuki Sakakibara is off in Okinawa running a soccer club and trying to live out his dream in that sport. Little did I know that someone would find this US Marines newsletter and point out a letter that Mr. Sakakibara sent to their publication:

Letter from FC Ryukyu

FC Ryukyu finished its 4th season in the Japan Football League. As the owner and general manager of FC Ryukyu respectively, we would like to express our deep appreciation to the U.S. Marines, their families, and other dependents who regularly came out to watch our games here. Thanks to your strong support, we won our last home game with two great goals.

I would also like to thank those from the various American bases that volunteered at the games and during the season. Their contribution has been tremendous. As a small and young club, the extra help volunteers provide is deeply appreciated.

Soccer, like the U.S. Marine Corps, must be conducted as a team effort. Your help, your being a member of the team, makes the club as a whole better and more successful. You are our “force multiplier.” …

… The American community and the international influence felt here is a major part of Okinawan history and we would like to continue that great history by having more fans and volunteers turn out next year.

Nobuyuki Sakakibara — Team Owner
Philippe Troussier — Executive Coach

Topics: Japan, Media, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “Where are they now: Former PRIDE boss Nobuyuki Sakakibara”

  1. white ninja says:

    Wonder if the Marines know that theyre taking their kids to watch games and volunteering to help a team owned by a yakuza front man and are acting as his “force multiplier”?

  2. Jonathan says:

    I always have, and always be, a big fan of Nokuyuki Sakikabara. Last I heard, he was living in the top floor of some hotel.


    Oh I looked up to Saki as a good role model… And then I heard the rumours of the yaks. ;(;( anyways I’m glad saki is living his yak-free dream;) I love you Saki 😉 and footy!!! Greetings from Oklahoma


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