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Brock Lesnar on Carwin/JDS UFC fight: It’s Carwin’s to win wherever he takes it

By Zach Arnold | May 25, 2011

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Brock is doing the media rounds and one stop on the media tour was this interview he did with Mauro Ranallo yesterday to promote his brand new book, Death Clutch: My Story of Determination, Domination, and Survival. In the 20-minute interview, Brock was largely calm & respectful. He was being himself and while the interview in general was not one that set the world on fire, he did make some interesting observations.

First, about his current medical condition and where things are heading:

MAURO RANALLO: “What is the plan for you, Brock? Are you scheduled to go to the doctor this week, I understand, or what’s the future hold for Brock Lesnar as a Mixed Martial Artist?”

BROCK LESNAR: “Yeah, I’m very disappointed. This has not only mentally but this has been very physically strenuous on me, you know, since my first bout with Diverticulitis in 2009. Having to back away from a fight is not something that I think anybody likes to do, surely me, you know, the first time it happened to me and to fall under the same circumstances, I thought I had this thing beaten and I’m very disappointed but getting past that and understand that, you know, my health is very important and I got another doctor’s appointment on Thursday and a consultation where we’re going to go over and just try to figure out the best approach to try to handle this and it may be surgery and it may be not. We’re reviewing other options here to try to help me but, you know, I want to get back into the Octagon sooner than later.”

MAURO RANALLO: “So, obviously you, as you stated during the conference call when this first was released, you stick by your guns that your MMA career is not over?”

BROCK LESNAR: “No, it’s not over. I mean, I don’t, you know, even talking with the doctors about the possibility of surgery, there’s really, uh, it’s not a career-ending surgery by any means so I just got to weigh out all my options at this time and see if that is the right thing to do or is there’s any other medication that I can be on or any other thing, I don’t know how I can change my diet any more than I have but we’re looking down all avenues right now and I foresee, you know, in the near future that I’ll be able to step back in the Octagon.”

Mauro, to his credit, asked Brock about the low ratings for The Ultimate Fighter this season. In a respectful manner, Brock said that it’s the 13th season of the show (his words) and that Junior dos Santos is not a house hold name. He did mention the time slot being an issue, but only in passing. In regards to the upcoming fight between JDS & Shane Carwin, Brock picked Carwin all the way to win and by ‘wherever he wants to take the fight.’ As for whether or not he will watch UFC 130 this weekend featuring Frank Mir vs. Roy Nelson… not so much.

MAURO RANALLO: “Do you hate Frank Mir?”

(laughter for 10 seconds)

BROCK LESNAR: “We’re not going fishing tomorrow, I’ll leave it at that.”

MAURO RANALLO: “What about his fight with Roy Nelson on Saturday? I mean, how do you think that fight will unfold? Actually I’ll ask you now, Brock, because I know that you… are you a fight fan, like do you like to watch the fights? Will you still continue to watch PPVs or is the family and everything else first and foremost, like will you be watching the event this Saturday?”

BROCK LESNAR: “Um, you know, there’s a good chance, maybe so, but it’s not my priority list but there are fights that I have watched and I have rented before but it’s not very often. I mean, I’m usually outside, we’re usually doing something in the yard or, you know, I’ve got two young boys that take up a lot of my time, you know, right now, you know, between getting them ready for bed and fighting them to get them in bed, so our hands are pretty full.”

As for how Brock sees his legacy in the UFC so far, he’s relatively satisfied.

MAURO RANALLO: “So, you got the doctor’s appointment on Thursday, the book has come out today. Again, having had a little taste of your MMA career, did you think it would be this fast, this soon? I mean, you were thrown to the wolves and, uh, like I say in your fourth fight, just like Randy Couture, you’re a champion. How do you put into perspective what’s happened so far in your MMA career?”

BROCK LESNAR: “Well, it really has been rather overwhelming. I mean, I’ve been very gratified and it’s been a great time. The company and Dana (White) and Lorenzo (Fertitta), they’ve all been very good to me in putting my health first and foremost and so I’m really happy with my career thus far in the UFC and I look forward to continuing my fight career and facing and hopefully one day becoming the UFC Heavyweight champion again.”

His new book is Death Clutch: My Story of Determination, Domination, and Survival and is currently available for purchase. (The Kindle book price is not that much lower than the print edition, though.)

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 16 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

16 Responses to “Brock Lesnar on Carwin/JDS UFC fight: It’s Carwin’s to win wherever he takes it”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    I don’t think JDS has a great ground game. That’s just the vibe I get from the way he moves in general.

    Shane Carwin has more of a chance of winning this fight. He has unbelievable power in his hands. The only guy to not crumble to his punches barely made it through it (Lesnar). And he might even be able to get the takedown. Even if he can’t, the very threat of the takedown will open up the strikes.

    I’m picking Carwin to win.

    • Jason Harris says:

      JDS is a favorite of internet fans, but the fact that everyone is so overwhelmingly in favor of him just shows it’s not who you beat but how, with a dash of “you’re only as good as your last fight”

      Carwin has big power in his hands and a solid chin, plus his wrestling should be a big factor too. I always err towards the guy who can dictate where the fight takes place.

  2. edub says:

    I’ve just spent the last three hours looking up wrestling history through wikipedia. They actually have a hell of a lot of info on the WWF. Can’t find much on WCW though (specifically because Im at work and can’t access much of the web). I really need to find how to get a DVD or tape of the first Superbrawl. Easily my favorite event of all time (probably because I watched it a million times as a kid). Also anybody know which event Sting defeated The Great Mutoh at? I know the one he lost was the first combined WCW/Japan show, but I’m trying to find the one in which he won.

    War Sting forever

    That is all.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    Since edub is already bringing in non related topics… lol….

    I was going through my UFC DVD’s today. I’m downsizing my collection. Mostly because I realized I don’t watch most of them anymore and there is no way anybody can watch 100+ DVD’s in any sort of reasonable time. So I’m sticking with mostly best of dvd’s and a very very limited event collection.

    Anyways, I was watching GSP’s past fights. That man is a greaser today. I have no doubts about it. Fighters have said he is slippery. He must take a bath in something that comes out of his pours when he sweats.

    It looks like the greasing started at UFC 63 against Matt Hughes.

    He had 7 UFC fights before then: Parisyan, Hieron, Hughes, Miller, Trigg, Sherk, & Penn.

    He had 3 round fights with Parisyan, Miller, & Penn. In none of those fights did he even remotely look slippery. He had natural sweat but actually looked sort of dry for being in 15 minute fights. So he is not a naturally huge sweater.

    Yet for the Hughes fight…. A fight in which Hughes has said he felt slippery for…. By the 2nd round, it was as if he had gotten double the amount of sweat on his body then normal. If you watch all of his previous fights, it just doesn’t look normal.

    And if you watch the fights since UFC 63, he seems to be soaked of sweat beyond anything he was in his early UFC career.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      I should also point out that the last fight for GSP before the Hughes fight was his all out war with Penn at UFC 58.

      • mr. roadblock says:

        If you eat a more acidic diet you can make yourself sweat more and have thicker, greasy sweat.

        GSP is pretty dialed in to a bunch of homeopathic things like that.

        • 45 Huddle says:

          So he just happened to change his diet to get more sweat between the worst beating of his career and his 2nd chance at a title belt? I don’t buy it.

      • EJ says:

        Come on now 45 you’re sounding like a delusional BJ apologist, what’s next you’re going to be talking about how Chuck was poking everyone he fought stop it.

        • cutch says:

          He also fails to mention that Mayhem Miller said he felt slippy, seems like people who lose badly, want to jump on a a bandwagon as an excuse when they got beat.

    • The Gaijin says:

      Not that I want to fan the flames – but isn’t there an old wrestling wives tale that you can take a mineral oil bath/soak after a sauna/steam that will let you lock the mineral oil into your pores so that when you sweat you’re sweating out some of the mineral oil?

      • mr. roadblock says:

        The same thing works with KY Jelly and a number of other lotions. You lather it on real good, then towel yourself off. When you start to sweat the sweat picks up some of the residual liquid and you become slippier than if you were just sweating.

  4. Kelvin Hunt says:

    You forget that GSP pours like half a bottle of water on himself before the first round of every fight…

    • BuddyRowe says:

      I honestly believe he puts some sort of oil or something in his water bottles. He always spits it on himself when he gets in the Octagon. Also, if you watch the Hughes-St.Pierre 2 you can see Phil Nurse pour the water bottle on his theighs in between rounds AND RUB IT IN.

  5. […] has not only mentally but this has been very physically strenuous on me,” Lesnar told Mauro Renallo on the Fight Show, “you know, since my first bout with Diverticulitis in […]


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