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The obligatory ‘Jon Fitch really hates Nick Diaz’ video

By Zach Arnold | July 22, 2011

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I decided against doing a transcript of this interview, simply because there was too much background noise in the audio to make it worth my while. Nevertheless, you should watch it to hear some of his rather curious responses.

For example, he’s mad about the fact that BJ Penn ended up challenging Carlos Condit. However, he’s more or less mad about the fact that he’s stuck in no-man’s land due to injury as opposed to Penn challenging Condit. (Even though Fitch, on Twitter, said at the time that he was hurt and disappointed by BJ’s actions.)

Fitch noted that the only opponent available for him to fight soon would be Martin Kampmann. He further stated that he would love the fight to take place this November in San Jose.

Where the interview gets real interesting is when he starts talking about Nick Diaz and how Diaz is the only guy he really hates in MMA. He says that Diaz is scared of his fighting style, that Nick’s MMA record is ‘padded,’ and that he’s been protected too often by promoters in the past. Towards the end of the interview, Fitch basically defends his fight style (again).

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 28 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

28 Responses to “The obligatory ‘Jon Fitch really hates Nick Diaz’ video”

  1. nottheface says:

    Maybe he’s being honest. I could understand his frustration at being so incredibly dominant in the SPORT of MMA and yet being dismissed by the fans and passed over (again) by the promotion for another less worthy challenger.

    Or maybe he’s just trying to set up a grudge with Diaz to position himself as the next challenger just in case Diaz wins. Its not like they’ve showing any rush in putting him against GSP again.

    Or maybe it’s both.

  2. Jonathan says:

    He is probably trying to create some sort of “buzz” or “heat” because no one cares about John Fitch except John Fitch.

  3. David M says:

    I didn’t watch the video because as a rule Jon Fitch puts me to sleep and I still have a lot of work to do today.

    Fitch not only is the least crowd-pleasing high-level fighter in mma (I don’t count Clay Guida as high-level because he sucks–and anyone who is his fan is an idiot, but that is a story for another day), but he also has this arrogance that we should give a fuck about him, because he has been successful in his quest to win as many wrestling matches in the Ultimate Top Control Championship as possible without ever landing a single punch on the feet. He fights like a bitch and literally every time I go to a sports bar and he is on, there is an audible groan from the audience. God, I wish BJ Penn had low levels of testosterone so he could have roided up to finish Fitch, or at least only lose the 3rd round 10-9 and win the decision. I hope Fitch goes to Bellator, because Ben Askren would clown his ass.


      David M damn well said my man and right on the money. Why does fitch think anyone cares about his boring ass anyway. He’s a friggen SNOREFEST and he is one loss away from being released according to Dana white. UFC wants out of Fitch’s contract. i would love to see Ben Askren school fitch’s boring ass


      Yeah right being boring as hell has really worked out great for Jon Fitch. NOONE wants to see him HUMP people anymore. Dana always brings back exciting fighters win or lose. UFC has no desire to promote Jon Fitch. UFC has made it clear they know the fans want to see exciting fights so you can defend Jon Fitch until you are blue in the face but nothing can change the FACT he is the most boring fighters in ALL MMA PERIOD. thats spells no ratings for UFC which equates to Fitch being a losing proposition any way you slice it and UFC knows this. Fitch is about one more boring fight from slipping into MMA obscurity.

  4. Stel says:

    Fitch is like that ugly girlfriend who gets the job done but you don’t really want to show her off too much, and now she is upset that no body visits her because she has crabs.

  5. edub says:

    Man I love Nick Diaz. I really do. He’s one of my top three favorite fighters, but A-FUCKING-MEN to this rant. Everything he said is completely correct.

    Nottheface could be very right above about him just trying to set up a grudge match scenario, but if that’s his plan at least all the ammunition he’s using is correct.

    Bravo Sir.

  6. chris says:

    I like Fitch, I love Nick though. My issue with Fitch and it’s the same for most mma fans, the guy doesn’t finish fights. He’s content with getting the win but not getting the “victory” if that makes any sense.He would rather it seems win at any cost (ie.grapplerape for 15 mins with spaghetti pitterpatters while losing mass fans in the process) rather than try and finish a fight to obtain the win or a real victory. I’m not saying be stupid, throw caution to the win, but Fitch would rather LnP than actively look for a submission to win the fight.

    I’ve seen Fitch fight over a dozen times and each time it’s the same routine, it’s like an mma version of o.c.d. with that guy.

    From a promoters perspective? Jon Fitch is the equivalent to Charlie Haas. A great worker, a great look, great repertoire of move sets, but the guy generates no heat, no interests to the point that he can zap the energy out of an entire crowd by just walking out of the curtains.

    Ahhhh the charlie haas pop. Until Fitch can actually finish a fight, I’m fine with watching him toil away anywhere but at the top of the food chain because it’s just not interesting anymore watching him perfect his o.c.d. lnp.

    • fd2 says:

      Gonzaga/Jordan had a finish. Maynard/Edgar II, Korean Zombie/Garcia I, Shogun/Machida I, and for that matter Gatti/Ward I didn’t.

      Can we shut the fuck up with this “he doesn’t finish!” shit? Fights are good, or they aren’t. The five seconds at the end are a very minor part of that.

      • Chuck says:

        DING DING DING!! We have a winnah! To amend your comment, NONE of the Gatti-Ward fights had a finish.

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    Fitch in the 3rd round of the BJ fight is what is wrong with him. Penn was done physically and he took zero chances to finish the fight.

    I like how Fitch uses so little natural ability and is still a top tier fighter. But he has to progress.

    Interesting interview with Dana White and Helwani. He is very candid about the Overeem stuff. And said he has not been part of the negotiations for Overeem and a guy from GG called him up and asked him to be.

    Also talked about meeting with Vince McMahon. Not sure why I never out the pieces together before… But I think it has everything to do with the TV deal.

    Vince went from USA to Spike back to USA. USA is under the NBC umbrella. They might be comparing notes. Vince never liked SpikeTV people. He might also need Vince’s permission for the uFC to be on the USa Network.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      White interview is up at MMAFighting of course….

    • edub says:

      Again, because I’ve argued this numerous times, how is throwing 100 punches in a round not trying to finish the fight?

      • NoahNasty says:

        It’s not trying to finish a fight when those 100 punches are thrown like a girl. The dude didn’t even try to pass guard the entire 3rd round.

        • edub says:

          You’re outta your mind if you think none of those 100 punches he threw at BJ’s face in the third round were hard, or thrown with bad intentions.

          Why would he try to pass guard? He was posturing and punching with no resistance. And he was doing it at will. That fight could have been stopped in the 3rd or 4th minute of the round.

      • RST says:

        Not FINISHING Penn is no shame.

        How many have?

        That’s not the best example of the problem.

        Not finishing since 2006 would be more adroit.

        The Fitch issue is an issue, but its not because of Penn.

        (No diss 45.)

        If Fitch wants to man up, put on 10 pounds and wrestle that schmuck anderson silva.

        He’d have a good chance, and not as much to loose for no good reason like GSP.

        • edub says:

          I would agree, but I doubt Zuffa would ever put Fitch in with Anderson. A top level grappler that makes his opponents look terrible (who’s unliked by the casual fan), beating their exciting PFP king.

          I don’t think they take that chance. That’s why Shields was pushed so hard to go to 170 IMO.

  8. smoogy says:

    Jon Fitch is no CM Punk, that’s for sure.

  9. whiplash says:

    Let me guess, you wanna se every fight end with a knockout. Love how idiots Like you love ragging on \”boring\” fighting styles yet every single single one of their opponents know exactly what\’s coming but still can\’t seem to win. In a fight a winner is a winner,you don\’t cater to an opponents fighting style to please them and give them their Chance to win. They wanna win they better make these \”horrible\” fighters fight their game and take THEM into their world.

    I don\’t like Fitch that much. I don\’t really enjoy his fight but if these guys know it coming why can\’t the stop it? He\’s very dominant fighter and this is a sport, one that depends on you winning and winning frequently to stay employed. You want to put on a show but you go out on a limb to please others and u loose a couple fights in a row you then find yourself in the unemployment line. These fighters are fighting for a winning record and for their job every time the walk into the ring. You need to in turn protect your way of life and everything you have every time you walk into that ring. I\’m not trying to protect Fitch, but i understand where ALL FIGHTERS are coming from


      Humping someones leg for 15 minutes trying to run out the clock is hardly a fighting style. fitch uses teh wrestling friendly rules and his pitter patter that couldn’t hurt my little sister to keep from getting stood up. I would have loved to have seen Fitch in a Pride rules fight with Pride referees he would have gotten his face soccer kicked in and he would have never earned a paycheck with the countless yellow cards he would have gotten. fitch is the reason yellow cards need to be brought back in.


      A fitch fights frequently since when. lets see alves twice, Ben Saunders NOT a contender no longer in UFC, oh he fought Alves right after brain surgury and Alves takedown defense is horrible at best. He lost 2 rounds to a lightweight fighter BJ Penn. No being dominant is GSP who UNLIKE Fitch beat Koscheck twice, Sheilds, Fitch needs to fight Koscheck, sheilds, Condit, story, kim, Ellenburger, Kampamnn, Hendricks, rory Macdonald the list goes on and on of top contenders Fitch hasn’t fought.

  10. Brian Matheson says:

    Fight Not To Lose.

  11. edub says:

    Anything ever come out about Zak Jensen’s wrongful death suit.

  12. RST says:

    Well hopefully for John Fitch he might have that going for him one day.

    Nobody wants to see John Fitch/GSP again.

    Maybe John Fitch can hate Ken Shamrock next if this doesn’t work out.

  13. Nick says:

    If I was to fight, as a general everybody person with minimal training, anybody in the UFC, I’d pick Jon Fitch. I certainly know I wouldn’t win, but I know I wouldn’t get hurt either. He takes no chances whatsoever and is boring to watch. End of story.

    The UFC knows this. Dana knows this. It’s why he’s being kept from the belt. 3 rounds is enough of his “action”. Can you imagine 5?? Can you imagine trying to sell that to fans? No chance.


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