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Shane Carwin will be out 10 weeks after back surgery

By Zach Arnold | November 14, 2011

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KENNY RICE: “How are you doing right now? Getting ready for this surgery, what kind of surgery is this going to be on your back?”

SHANE CARWIN: “You know, right now I’m doing all right. I’ve got to get up early, I’ve got to get up about 3:30 AM in the morning to go have surgery. But it’s T-10 through T-12, so it’s basically the middle of my back. I’ve got a disc that’s pressing into my spinal cord and it’s basically removed all the spinal fluid around the area, so the first time something really happened bad I was doing a seminar and just drilling takedowns and I got taken down and both of my legs froze up and I actually thought I was paralyzed and it lasted about 10 or 15 seconds and I wasn’t able to move. Finally, I was able to recover after that, you know, your spinal cord gets rid of that initial impact. I also noticed that when I started jumping and stuff, I’d get a tremendous amount of pain throughout my legs. So, I’m going to go in and have that done and what they’re going to do is actually drill out the bone in my spine to give that spinal cord some room in there.”

RICH FRANKLIN: “What’s your down time, Shane?”

SHANE CARWIN: “I think I’m probably only looking at about 10 weeks with that, similar to the neck injury that I had. … This is the third time my back’s been operated on.”

(later on…)

“I love to fight and I’m passionate about it and, you know, any time you’re passionate about something and you love to do it it’s easy to go to work and that’s what I love to do. So, the doctor told me that I could either have this surgery and be able to train and do all the things that I need to do be, you know, a complete athlete or we could fore-go the surgery and I could quit, I would be done because I wouldn’t be able to do a lot of the athletic moves and stuff like that but probably would be looking at surgery down the road, any way.”

(On when he lost feeling in his legs temporarily…)

“It was tremendously scary. I still remember the guy looking at my eyes when it happened and they got extremely big.”

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 13 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

13 Responses to “Shane Carwin will be out 10 weeks after back surgery”

  1. edub says:

    Inside MMA live really needs to figure out a way to get rid of that delay when interviewing people with video feed. Its been there since they started going live, and you saw what kind of problems that can bring in the show Monday (2 interviews couldn’t even be conducted).

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    Shane Carwin’s career is basically over.

    Inside MMA has potential, but somehow always falls flat every week. I love the concept. It’s the execution that isn’t working.

    • Mr.roadblock says:

      There’s not enough happening in MMA on a weekly basis for a half hour show. That’s why it’s flat. And the hosts have zero chemistry. But moreso the lack of content.

      Inside MMA should be like the studio content on Friday Night Fights. A few minutes in between matchups. Or a 15 minute show.

  3. nottheface says:

    Zach, have you commented at all on the UFC booking Edgar/Henderson and Shields/Akiyama for Japan? I want to know how the hell they’re going to sell that

  4. 45 Huddle says:

    1. UFC is suing the state of New York. When one part of government fails, go through another one. Smart move.

    2. People will complain about Forrest Griffin for his dumb twitter comments. But the real crazy comes from Phil Davis. And I think he shows the mindset of the typical Penn State Cult Mentality.

    Comments like: “I think he did what he could,” and “I suspect he’s going to be remembered for the way he left, under these circumstances and that’s really not fair,”

    It would have better for him to say nothing at all then to come out with these comments.

    When you know some kid is getting rapped in the ass by your assistant coach…. And not only do you not report it to the police…. But you are also aware that he has access to kids through his own foundation…. Well that makes Paterno a horrible person. He should get zero benefit of the doubt.

    It’s not shocking that Phil Davis is thinking the way he does. Penn State alumni treat the college like the catholic church….

    • nottheface says:

      There is actually no evidence as of yet that Joe Paterno knew that Sandusky was raping children. According to the Grand Jury report Paterno, Spanier, Curley, and Schultz all testified that McCreary reported that he saw something “troubling” by Sardusky but didn’t specify. The Grand Jury charged Curley and Schultz with perjury for testifying that McCreary didn’t tell them specifically about the anal rape. But, Paterno and Spanier told them the same thing and the Grand Jury did not charge them with perjury. That seems to suggest that McCreary told the grand jury that he didn’t tell Paterno the specifics.

      Should have Paterno seen the signs and done more? Probably. But there is no reason to believe based on what we know that he was actively shielding a child rapist.

      I will say the most disturbing thing about the whole case, next to the actual charges and McCreary doing nothing, is the reaction by Penn State fans. Apparently the football program takes priority over preventing the abuse of children. if they want to keep the team they should be forced to change the name of the team from the Nittany Lions to the Nambla Lions.

      • 45 Huddle says:

        A grown man is taking showers with children and there is no way for Paterno to know that he is helping a pedo rapist?

        Give me a break….

      • 45 Huddle says:

        And if you were a head coach, and somebody came up to you…. What would you first question be? It’s very simple…

        “What did you see?”

        Paterno put football ahead of life…. And he’s a twisted person for that.

        • nottheface says:

          You are trying to determine Paterno’s motivations when we don’t have enough information to do so. Isn’t it just as likely that he didn’t want to know any of the details about a close friend as it is that he was trying to protect the football team? That he did what was required of him, reporting it to higher ups to handle and nothing more, because he intentionally wanted to stay in the dark. Wrong? Deplorable? Culpable? A fireable offense? Yes to all, but you must admit their is a world of difference between saying Paterno should have taken more interest in the matter and that he personally and knowingly shielded a child molester. and right now there is nothing in the Grand jury report that says he had any information that Sandursky was actually molesting children. Perhaps he should have known, but that is different than saying he actually knew and did nothing.

  5. Robert Poole says:

    Apparently 45 has never heard of Innocent until Proven Guilty by a court of law. I can only imagine how many times he’s allowed the press and their sensationalistic slant sway his decisions in the past.

    I’m not saying Paterno knew nothing or is innocent. I am saying that right now people are making assumptions based on their interpretation of his comments. Let it all shake out in court. It doesn’t give you more street cred to join an angry lynch mob.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      Innocent until proven guilty? Paterno hasn’t been charged with anything, so what are you talking about?

      He lost his job and rightfully so. He put Football ahead of keeping children safe from a predator. It’s basic stuff.

      • Robert Poole says:

        Exactly and he may not be charged with anything because authorities end up clearing him of any wrongdoing. However if you read what you wrote about, you just convicted him with your words. Which if ultimately he didn’t actually do anything too wrong, you’re then slandering him. I just don’t believe in jumping to conclusions on legal stuff. I’d rather let it all play out and KNOW what I am accusing someone of.

  6. […] November 16, 2011 By: admin Category: Uncategorized TweetUFC Heavyweight Shane Carwin just had back surgery, and is thankful it’s all said and done. But there was a scary moment – temporary paralysis: […]


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